University College London
Projects for the coming year are currently being recruited - check back soon!
Barts and The London
We are currently recruiting projects and forming a committee. Please contact barts.acamedics@gmail.com for any enquires.
Whipps Cross Hospital
Please email whx.acamedics@gmail.com for any enquiries. Projects are currently being collected.
King's College London
We are currently recruiting projects and forming a committee. Please contact kcl.acamedics@gmail.com for any enquiries.
The University of Edinburgh
Currently forming a committee. Please complete the contact form if you are interested in getting involved.
University of Liverpool
Projects now open!! Please contact liverpoolacamedics@gmail.com for application forms - these must be emailed in, rather than the online application form. Please sign in with @liv.ac.uk email addresses.
Imperial College London
We are currently recruiting projects and forming a committee. Please contact dir.acamedics@gmail.com for any enquiries.
University of Cape Town
We are currently recruiting projects. For any enquiries please contact uct.acamedics@gmail.com
University of Bristol
We are currently recruiting projects. Please contact bris.acamedics@gmail.com for any enquiries.
University of Oxford
We are currently recruiting projects and forming a committee. Please get in touch with ox.acamedics@gmail.com for further enquiries.
Karolinska Institutet
Currently forming a committee and recruiting projects. Please email ki.acamedics@gmail.com if you are interested in getting involved.
Colchester Hospital
We are currently recruiting projects and forming a committee. Please contact dir.acamedics@gmail.com for any enquiries.